Hasil Karya Sentra Pangan

Hasil Karya Sentra Pangan is a company operating in the field of processing the staple food rice which was founded and started its career in 1971 and began operating fully in 1984 until now.

In 1971 we were known as Toko, Karya Jaya and started (Rice Polishing) in 1984 and were known as Ud, Produk Karya. Then in 2017 our organization was formed with PT. Hasil Karya Sentra Pangan. With our determination to provide the best, hygienic and premium quality products from year to year only for the people of Indonesia.

& Quality

  • Perusahaan PT. Hasil karya Sentra Pangan, menekankan komitmennya terhadap produksi produk berkualita/premium. Berkomitmen untuk bekerja dengan tulus dan jujur, menunjukan integritas dalam bisnis Kami. 
  • This commitment has enabled the company to gain public trust and meet food needs.

Technological Innovation
& Productivity

  • Using Japanese technology machines to produce high quality products
  • The company continues to strive to improve the best production results
  • Focus on quality, cleanliness and affordable prices.

& Safety

  • We believe that the certification can provide comfort and food safety for public health.
  • We have received certification from the Ministry of Agriculture and are an accredited laboratory.
  • Shows our attention to the quality and safety of our products.

"As a rice factory, we are experienced and collaborate with local farmers in Indonesia."

Since 1971

PT. Hasil Karya Sentra Pangan telah memberikan sepenuhnya sumber daya dan loyalitas kami demi menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas/premium. Kami berkomitmen untuk terus bekerja dengan tulus dan jujur, perlahan perusahan kami mulai dikenal dan dipercaya oleh Masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan pokok. Seiring berjalannya waktu maka kami terus berusaha untuk terus meningkatkan hasil produksi yang terbaik. Dan dengan menggunakan mesin berteknologi Jepang yang mampu menghasilkan kualitas beras yang bersih dan bermutu tinggi, serta dikemas secara higienis dan dengan harga yang terjangkau.


Untuk kerja sama dan informasi lebih lanjut. 

Kami siap melayani.